Sunday, November 11, 2012

OHOP Indian Village...

Amongst all the other things I'm doing these days we are fitting in school. Some days I can't believe we get everything done! But my kids are definitely troopers! I wouldn't be able to do all that I do if they didn't pitch in and help out! It's definitely a blessing!!!

My 7 year old is a Wolf Scout this year and we were all able to attend this months outing. It was very interesting and I think the kids had a great time.

Indians summer home...

Making an arrow head on a rock...
Making jewelry from beans and dry pasta...
Playing an Indian drum...
It was a fun day in the rain! We got to grind corn into flour and pound cedar into soft pieces that would then be used for clothing or blankets. It's great when you can learn by doing. This is a wonderful museum. If you're in Washington State you should check it out!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's been along time...

Wow, it's been a long time! There's been lots going in on in our home. Big changes and adjustments. They've all been good, however my blogging time has been greatly reduced. At least for this blog. A few month I took on a new job. I have to admit it's the best job of my life, where I've worked outside of my home. I get to do fun, "me" stuff. I get to include my kids and I get to make extra money! I mean what could be better!! If you want to see what I'm up to you can visit me at the blog that takes up all my time...

As far as school goes, we've had a good start to our year. We are studying the ancients and so we were able to make it to the King Tut exhibit. It was amazing. Here's some photos...

Hope you're having a good year so far and hopefully I'll be posting again soon! Enjoy your day!