Thursday, August 9, 2012

Liebster Award!

I have been awarded the Liebster Blog award from Elizabeth at The Endless Road!Thank you so much for thinking of my blog! I am greatly honored!!:)

The Rules:
1. Share 11 random facts about yourself
2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the person that tagged you.
3. Tag 11 people
4. Ask them 11 questions

Random facts about me
1. I love being a stay-home mom.
2. I was terrified of having a little girl after having 3 boys, but love her dearly! I so enjoy having a daughter!!
3. I am a knitter and quilter.
4. I didn't become "crafty" until after age 40! LOL!
5. I also enjoy reading when I can get a quiet moment. 
6. I love to bake and am a prosphora baker.
7. I lived much of my childhood overseas. 
8. I am a tea snob. Or so I am told. LOL!
9. I was a crew member on a tall ship in a race from England to Germany. Since I was the only American on the ship I was honored to meet the Queen of England.
10. I was born in Thailand and am half asian. Even though people never think I look asian!
11. I adore fairies and gnomes and books about them. Especially books by Elsa Beskow. ie: Children of the Forest  

Questions from Elizabeth
1. Would you call yourself an eclectic person? Absolutely! I like so many things from so many places, cultures and styles.

2. Do you prefer cloths with dark undertones or bright? I would have to say it depends on my mood. I am extremely attracted to bright colors right now when choosing quilting fabrics.

3. Would you call yourself an optimist, or a pessimist, or neither? I would say that I'm an optimist. I try hard to find something good in all things.

4. What is your favorite summer treat? All of the fruits of summer! I love all the freshness of the fruits and veggies! I'm also addicted to ice cream. :)

5. Beach or mountains? ooh, that's a hard one...but I guess if I had to choose I love the water. I grew up in a sea side town and really receive a lot of stress relief from being around the water.

6. Your in line waiting to take the SAT and a random stranger asks to borrow you phone. What would you do? I say I'm uncomfortable having random people using my phone and ask if it's an emergency.

7. What is more practical information for the public to know? Health or how a nuclear reactor works? I think Health.

8. Do you think trees have a personality to them? What would you say the personalities of a pine, a maple, and a willow? I do think they have a personality. Pines are strong and tall. Maples are more sheltering and comforting. And willows...what can I say about willows... I love them, they seem somewhat forelorn and dramatic.

9. What is something that fascinates you most? Watching my children and observing their interactions and relationships.

10. What kind(s) of music do you prefer to listen to? Since I was a teen in the 80's I do love 80's music, but lately I've been listening to folk or celtic music a lot and really enjoy it!

11. How fast of a reader would you call yourself? I am not a fast reader. But when I read I really like to get into the story and savor the moments. So taking my time is just fine with me. :)

Questions for who I tag

1. What books are on your night stand right now?
2. What was the last movie you watched in the theater?
3. Are you a crafter? What's your favorite craft?
4. Are you a collector or a purger?
5. What's your latest addiction?
6. What's your favorite thing to do during your "mommy time"?
7. What's your favorite stage of childhood?
8. Coffee or tea? Favorite type/flavor?
9. Favorite indulgence?
10. Favorite season?
11. Favorite holiday?

Who I tag

1. Ms. A at Creative Mama
2. Kestrel at Bowl of Stones
3. Audrey at Break It, Make It, or Bake It
4. Kelly at Creating a Family Home
5. Helen at Eat. Enjoy. Live.
6. Laurie at Heaven's Walk
7. Angie at God's Growing Garden
8. Robyn at Robyn's View
9. Hilani at Handmade by Hilani
10. Peggy at Crazy Thrifty Crafts
11. Tree at The Enchanted Tree

Have a great day everyone!!


  1. I enjoyed reading your answers to my questions, and the random facts. :)

  2. Wow -thank you so much!!! - I'm honored! I will be doing my "Liebster Post" I think on Saturday.
    Thanks again!

  3. Thank You so much for the award =) It means a lot.

  4. Thank you for thinking of my blog for this award!! :)

  5. Hi Anastasia! I want to thank you so very very much for giving me that award. It was a such a thoughtful, nice, surprise - and deeply appreciated! ♥ I am an Award-Free blog, however. But thank you!!! You made my day! :)

    xoxo laurie


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