Monday, May 6, 2013


I've been down with pneumonia for a few weeks and I've really been thinking about what I've been spending my time doing. I really miss this blog and I'm thinking that I need to make time for fitting it in to our routine. So with that I'm going to share our glorious weekend!

For most folks today us May 5th and if you need a reason to celebrate it was Cinco de Mayo. However if you're an Orthodox Christian today was the biggest feast day of the year! I know many folks think Christmas is the biggest Christian holiday, but for my family it's Pascha! Great Lent, Holy week and the final culmination of Pascha is... there are just no words to describe the specialness and the holiness of the time.

Here are some reflections of the past two days for a glimps into our special season!



It was a glorious day, beautiful, great company, wonderful food, all and all a day to remember! For those of you who are Othodox Christians, Christ IS Risen! Have a blessed Bright Week and Pascha Season!

This is the day of resurrection!
Let us be illumined by the feast!
Let us embrace each other!
Let us call “brothers” even those that hate us,
and forgive all by the resurrection,
and so let us cry:
 “Christ is risen from the dead,
trampling down death by death,
and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!” 


I love to hear your comments! Thanks for stopping by!